Startup Locations Guide

In the Registry (Background) :

The following list contains most of the 'popular' virus startup locations. It is to be noted that just because something appears under any of these locations that does not make it a virus, in order to be able to identify the good from the bad you idealy need to have an idea of the programs your running and of the default programs XP installs. The full list of possible locations could be massive. I leave this (for now) down to the individual to discover for themselves (NOTE: Registry Manager can assist with identifying 'good' and 'bad' programs, right clicking on a file reference held in the registry and select 'Files'->'Properties' (if you do not have a 'files' option then either the file(s) specified cannot be found). From the properties dialog you can inspect the 'claimed' manufacturer of the component. If the component does not specify a manufacturer (see Version tab) or its manufacturer is not one you would expect to have installed an application on your system you might consider removing the item).


Under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT (which is an alias of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Classes Key) :


Microsoft Windows Startup Phases on x86 PC's

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